What is Spinal Stenosis and how can Spinal Decompression help

In this blog. We talk about spinal stenosis and how spinal decompression treatment works and can help you
Do I need x-rays to see a chiropractor?

Chiropractic in Berwick is a popular treatment option for various musculoskeletal issues, ranging from back pain to headaches. One common question that often arises among individuals considering Chiropractic care in Berwick is whether X-rays are necessary. Let’s explore this topic to gain a better understanding The Role of X-rays Whilst X-rays can be valuable diagnostic […]
The Falsely Named “Slipped Disc”: Debunking the Myth

Contrary to the name, a disc in the spine does not actually “slip” out of place. The term “slipped disc” is a misnomer that has gained popularity over time, leading to confusion and misunderstanding. In reality, the correct term for this condition is a herniated disc or a bulging disc. Understanding Herniated Discs A herniated […]