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The Falsely Named “Slipped Disc”: Debunking the Myth

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Progressive Chiropractic

Contrary to the name, a disc in the spine does not actually “slip” out of place. The term “slipped disc” is a misnomer that has gained popularity over time, leading to confusion and misunderstanding. In reality, the correct term for this condition is a herniated disc or a bulging disc.

Understanding Herniated Discs

A herniated disc occurs when the soft inner portion of a spinal disc pushes through a weakened or damaged outer layer. This can result in the disc bulging outward or pressing against nearby nerves, causing pain and discomfort. The condition often occurs in the lower back (lumbar spine) or the neck (cervical spine).

Causes and Symptoms

Herniated discs can stem from various factors, including age-related degeneration, injury, or repetitive stress on the spine. Common symptoms of a herniated disc may include localised or radiating pain, numbness or tingling sensations, muscle weakness, and changes in reflexes. The specific symptoms experienced can depend on the location and severity of the herniation.

Herniated disc anatomy

Treatment Options

Treatment for a herniated disc aims to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and facilitate healing. Non-surgical options are typically recommended as the first line of treatment and may include rest, activity modification, spinal decompression and chiropractic spinal adjustments. In more severe cases where conservative measures fail, surgical intervention may be considered.

While the term “slipped disc” has become entrenched in popular language, it does not accurately describe the condition it purports to represent. Understanding that a herniated disc, not a slipped disc, is the correct terminology is crucial for effective communication and comprehension of this common spinal issue. By dispelling the myth and using the appropriate term, we can promote better understanding, facilitate informed discussions, and improve the management of herniated discs for the benefit of those experiencing back pain.

If you are experiencing pain and discomfort from a bulging or herniated disc, contact us today to book a consultation and treatment with one of our experienced chiropractors.